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Update Collection
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"learning_object_ids": [
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"title": "Software Engineer Lv 1 Collection",
"description": "This collection acts as learning pathway for software engineers.",
"languages": [
"cover_url": "",
"categories": [
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Basic authentication header of the form Basic <encoded-value>
, where <encoded-value>
is the base64-encoded string username:password
The account identifier
Path Parameters
Custom Unified Fields configured in your StackOne project
"my_project_custom_field_1": "REF-1236",
"my_project_custom_field_2": "some other value"
The external ID associated with this collection
The child ID/IDs associated with this collection
Provider's unique identifiers of the child ID/IDs associated with this collection
The title of the collection
"Software Engineer Lv 1 Collection"
The description of the collection
"This collection acts as learning pathway for software engineers."
The languages associated with this collection
The URL of the thumbnail image associated with the collection.
The categories associated with this content
The ID associated with this category
Custom Unified Fields configured in your StackOne project
"my_project_custom_field_1": "REF-1236",
"my_project_custom_field_2": "some other value"
The name associated with this category
The language associated with this category
The Locale Code of the language
, aa_ER
, af_NA
, af_ZA
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, en_GG
, en_GH
, en_GI
, en_GM
, en_GS
, en_GU
, en_GY
, en_HK
, en_IE
, en_IM
, en_IN
, en_IO
, en_JE
, en_JM
, en_KE
, en_KI
, en_KN
, en_KY
, en_LC
, en_LR
, en_LS
, en_MF
, en_MG
, en_MH
, en_MO
, en_MP
, en_MS
, en_MT
, en_MU
, en_MW
, en_MY
, en_NA
, en_NF
, en_NG
, en_NL
, en_NR
, en_NU
, en_NZ
, en_PG
, en_PH
, en_PK
, en_PN
, en_PR
, en_PW
, en_RW
, en_SB
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, en_SG
, en_SH
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, en_TV
, en_TZ
, en_UG
, en_UM
, en_US
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, en_VU
, en_WS
, en_ZA
, en_ZM
, en_ZW
, es_AR
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, es_PR
, es_PY
, es_SV
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, es_UY
, es_VE
, et_EE
, fa_AF
, fa_IR
, fan_GA
, ff_CM
, ff_GN
, ff_MR
, ff_SN
, ff_BF
, fi_FI
, fj_FJ
, fo_FO
, fr_BE
, fr_BF
, fr_BI
, fr_BJ
, fr_BL
, fr_CA
, fr_CD
, fr_CF
, fr_CG
, fr_CH
, fr_CI
, fr_CM
, fr_DJ
, fr_DZ
, fr_FR
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, fr_GF
, fr_GG
, fr_GN
, fr_GP
, fr_GQ
, fr_HT
, fr_KM
, fr_JE
, fr_LU
, fr_LB
, fr_MA
, fr_MC
, fr_MF
, fr_MG
, fr_ML
, fr_MQ
, fr_MR
, fr_MU
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, fr_PF
, fr_PM
, fr_RE
, fr_RW
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, fr_TD
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, fr_TG
, fr_TN
, fr_VU
, fr_VA
, fr_WF
, fr_YT
, ga_IE
, gn_PY
, gn_AR
, gu_IN
, gv_IM
, he_IL
, hi_IN
, hr_BA
, hr_HR
, hr_ME
, ht_HT
, hu_HU
, hy_AM
, hy_CY
, id_ID
, is_IS
, it_CH
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, it_VA
, ja_JP
, ka_GE
, kg_CD
, kk_KZ
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, ko_KP
, ko_KR
, ku_IQ
, ky_KG
, la_VA
, lb_LU
, ln_AO
, ln_CD
, ln_CF
, ln_CG
, lo_LA
, lt_LT
, lu_CD
, lv_LV
, mg_MG
, mh_MH
, mi_NZ
, mk_MK
, mn_MN
, mr_IN
, ms_BN
, ms_MY
, ms_SG
, mt_MT
, my_MM
, nb_NO
, nb_BV
, nb_ZW
, ne_NP
, nl_AW
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, nl_NL
, nl_SR
, nl_SX
, nl_MF
, nn_NO
, nn_BV
, no_NO
, no_BV
, no_SJ
, nr_ZA
, ny_MW
, pa_IN
, pa_PK
, pl_PL
, ps_AF
, pt_AO
, pt_BR
, pt_CH
, pt_CV
, pt_GQ
, pt_GW
, pt_LU
, pt_MO
, pt_MZ
, pt_PT
, pt_ST
, pt_TL
, qu_BO
, qu_EC
, qu_PE
, rar_CK
, rm_CH
, rup_MK
, ro_MD
, ro_RO
, ru_BY
, ru_KG
, ru_KZ
, ru_MD
, ru_RU
, ru_UA
, ru_AQ
, ru_TJ
, ru_TM
, ru_UZ
, rw_RW
, se_SE
, sg_CF
, si_LK
, sk_SK
, sl_SI
, sm_AS
, sm_WS
, sn_ZW
, so_DJ
, so_ET
, so_KE
, so_SO
, sq_AL
, sq_ME
, sq_XK
, sr_BA
, sr_ME
, sr_RS
, sr_XK
, ss_SZ
, ss_ZA
, sv_AX
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, sw_KE
, sw_TZ
, sw_UG
, sw_CD
, ta_IN
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, ta_SG
, ta_LK
, te_IN
, tg_TJ
, th_TH
, ti_ER
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, tig_ER
, tk_TM
, tk_AF
, tn_BW
, tn_ZA
, to_TO
, tr_CY
, tr_TR
, ts_ZA
, uk_UA
, ur_IN
, ur_PK
, uz_AF
, uz_UZ
, ve_ZA
, vi_VN
, xh_ZA
, zh_CN
, zh_HK
, zh_MO
, zh_SG
, zh_TW
, zu_ZA
The skills associated with this content
The ID associated with this skill
The name associated with this skill
The language associated with this skill
The Locale Code of the language
, aa_ER
, af_NA
, af_ZA
, am_ET
, ar_AE
, ar_BH
, ar_DJ
, ar_DZ
, ar_EG
, ar_ER
, ar_IQ
, ar_JO
, ar_KM
, ar_KW
, ar_LB
, ar_LY
, ar_MA
, ar_MR
, ar_OM
, ar_PS
, ar_QA
, ar_SA
, ar_SD
, ar_SY
, ar_TD
, ar_TN
, ar_YE
, ay_BO
, ay_PE
, az_AZ
, az_IR
, be_BY
, bg_BG
, bi_VU
, bn_BD
, bn_IN
, bs_BA
, bs-ME
, byn_ER
, ca_AD
, ca_ES
, ca_FR
, ca_IT
, ch_GU
, cs_CZ
, da_DK
, de_AT
, de_BE
, de_CH
, de_DE
, de_LI
, de_LU
, de_VA
, de_MV
, dv_MV
, dz_BT
, el_CY
, el_GR
, en_AG
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, en_AS
, en_AU
, en_BB
, en_BE
, en_BM
, en_BS
, en_BW
, en_BZ
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, en_CC
, en_CK
, en_CM
, en_CW
, en_CX
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, en_FM
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, en_GG
, en_GH
, en_GI
, en_GM
, en_GS
, en_GU
, en_GY
, en_HK
, en_IE
, en_IM
, en_IN
, en_IO
, en_JE
, en_JM
, en_KE
, en_KI
, en_KN
, en_KY
, en_LC
, en_LR
, en_LS
, en_MF
, en_MG
, en_MH
, en_MO
, en_MP
, en_MS
, en_MT
, en_MU
, en_MW
, en_MY
, en_NA
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, en_NL
, en_NR
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, en_RW
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, en_SH
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, en_SX
, en_SZ
, en_TC
, en_TK
, en_TO
, en_TT
, en_TV
, en_TZ
, en_UG
, en_UM
, en_US
, en_VC
, en_VG
, en_VI
, en_VU
, en_WS
, en_ZA
, en_ZM
, en_ZW
, es_AR
, es_BO
, es_BZ
, es_CL
, es_CO
, es_CR
, es_CU
, es_DO
, es_EA
, es_EC
, es_EH
, es_ES
, es_GQ
, es_GT
, es_HN
, es_IC
, es_LA
, es_MX
, es_NI
, es_PA
, es_PE
, es_PH
, es_PR
, es_PY
, es_SV
, es_US
, es_UY
, es_VE
, et_EE
, fa_AF
, fa_IR
, fan_GA
, ff_CM
, ff_GN
, ff_MR
, ff_SN
, ff_BF
, fi_FI
, fj_FJ
, fo_FO
, fr_BE
, fr_BF
, fr_BI
, fr_BJ
, fr_BL
, fr_CA
, fr_CD
, fr_CF
, fr_CG
, fr_CH
, fr_CI
, fr_CM
, fr_DJ
, fr_DZ
, fr_FR
, fr_GA
, fr_GF
, fr_GG
, fr_GN
, fr_GP
, fr_GQ
, fr_HT
, fr_KM
, fr_JE
, fr_LU
, fr_LB
, fr_MA
, fr_MC
, fr_MF
, fr_MG
, fr_ML
, fr_MQ
, fr_MR
, fr_MU
, fr_NC
, fr_NE
, fr_PF
, fr_PM
, fr_RE
, fr_RW
, fr_SC
, fr_SN
, fr_SY
, fr_TD
, fr_TF
, fr_TG
, fr_TN
, fr_VU
, fr_VA
, fr_WF
, fr_YT
, ga_IE
, gn_PY
, gn_AR
, gu_IN
, gv_IM
, he_IL
, hi_IN
, hr_BA
, hr_HR
, hr_ME
, ht_HT
, hu_HU
, hy_AM
, hy_CY
, id_ID
, is_IS
, it_CH
, it_IT
, it_SM
, it_VA
, ja_JP
, ka_GE
, kg_CD
, kk_KZ
, kl_GL
, km_KH
, ko_KP
, ko_KR
, ku_IQ
, ky_KG
, la_VA
, lb_LU
, ln_AO
, ln_CD
, ln_CF
, ln_CG
, lo_LA
, lt_LT
, lu_CD
, lv_LV
, mg_MG
, mh_MH
, mi_NZ
, mk_MK
, mn_MN
, mr_IN
, ms_BN
, ms_MY
, ms_SG
, mt_MT
, my_MM
, nb_NO
, nb_BV
, nb_ZW
, ne_NP
, nl_AW
, nl_BE
, nl_BQ
, nl_CW
, nl_NL
, nl_SR
, nl_SX
, nl_MF
, nn_NO
, nn_BV
, no_NO
, no_BV
, no_SJ
, nr_ZA
, ny_MW
, pa_IN
, pa_PK
, pl_PL
, ps_AF
, pt_AO
, pt_BR
, pt_CH
, pt_CV
, pt_GQ
, pt_GW
, pt_LU
, pt_MO
, pt_MZ
, pt_PT
, pt_ST
, pt_TL
, qu_BO
, qu_EC
, qu_PE
, rar_CK
, rm_CH
, rup_MK
, ro_MD
, ro_RO
, ru_BY
, ru_KG
, ru_KZ
, ru_MD
, ru_RU
, ru_UA
, ru_AQ
, ru_TJ
, ru_TM
, ru_UZ
, rw_RW
, se_SE
, sg_CF
, si_LK
, sk_SK
, sl_SI
, sm_AS
, sm_WS
, sn_ZW
, so_DJ
, so_ET
, so_KE
, so_SO
, sq_AL
, sq_ME
, sq_XK
, sr_BA
, sr_ME
, sr_RS
, sr_XK
, ss_SZ
, ss_ZA
, sv_AX
, sv_FI
, sv_SE
, sw_KE
, sw_TZ
, sw_UG
, sw_CD
, ta_IN
, ta_MY
, ta_SG
, ta_LK
, te_IN
, tg_TJ
, th_TH
, ti_ER
, ti_ET
, tig_ER
, tk_TM
, tk_AF
, tn_BW
, tn_ZA
, to_TO
, tr_CY
, tr_TR
, ts_ZA
, uk_UA
, ur_IN
, ur_PK
, uz_AF
, uz_UZ
, ve_ZA
, vi_VN
, xh_ZA
, zh_CN
, zh_HK
, zh_MO
, zh_SG
, zh_TW
, zu_ZA
Was this page helpful?
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"learning_object_ids": [
"remote_learning_object_ids": [
"title": "Software Engineer Lv 1 Collection",
"description": "This collection acts as learning pathway for software engineers.",
"languages": [
"cover_url": "",
"categories": [
"id": "16873-IT345",
"unified_custom_fields": {
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"message": "Record updated successfully.",
"timestamp": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z"