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Upsert Course
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The external ID associated with this course
The title of the course
"Software Engineer Lv 1"
The description of the course
"This course acts as learning content for software engineers."
The languages associated with this course
The Locale Code of the language
, aa_ER
, af_NA
, af_ZA
, am_ET
, ar_AE
, ar_BH
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, ar_EG
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, gv_IM
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, pt_ST
, pt_TL
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, ru_TJ
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, sm_WS
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, so_KE
, so_SO
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, sr_BA
, sr_ME
, sr_RS
, sr_XK
, ss_SZ
, ss_ZA
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, sv_SE
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, sw_TZ
, sw_UG
, sw_CD
, ta_IN
, ta_MY
, ta_SG
, ta_LK
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, tg_TJ
, th_TH
, ti_ER
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, tig_ER
, tk_TM
, tk_AF
, tn_BW
, tn_ZA
, to_TO
, tr_CY
, tr_TR
, ts_ZA
, uk_UA
, ur_IN
, ur_PK
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, uz_UZ
, ve_ZA
, vi_VN
, xh_ZA
, zh_CN
, zh_HK
, zh_MO
, zh_SG
, zh_TW
, zu_ZA
The URL of the thumbnail image associated with the course.
The redirect URL of the course.
Whether the course is active and available for users.
The duration of the course following the ISO8601 standard. If duration_unit is applicable we will derive this from the smallest unit given in the duration string
The categories associated with this content
The ID associated with this category
Custom Unified Fields configured in your StackOne project
"my_project_custom_field_1": "REF-1236",
"my_project_custom_field_2": "some other value"
The name associated with this category
The language associated with this category
The Locale Code of the language
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, af_NA
, af_ZA
, am_ET
, ar_AE
, ar_BH
, ar_DJ
, ar_DZ
, ar_EG
, ar_ER
, ar_IQ
, ar_JO
, ar_KM
, ar_KW
, ar_LB
, ar_LY
, ar_MA
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, ar_PS
, ar_QA
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, bg_BG
, bi_VU
, bn_BD
, bn_IN
, bs_BA
, bs-ME
, byn_ER
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, ca_ES
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, ca_IT
, ch_GU
, cs_CZ
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, de_VA
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, en_GI
, en_GM
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, en_GU
, en_GY
, en_HK
, en_IE
, en_IM
, en_IN
, en_IO
, en_JE
, en_JM
, en_KE
, en_KI
, en_KN
, en_KY
, en_LC
, en_LR
, en_LS
, en_MF
, en_MG
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, en_MO
, en_MP
, en_MS
, en_MT
, en_MU
, en_MW
, en_MY
, en_NA
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, en_NG
, en_NL
, en_NR
, en_NU
, en_NZ
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, en_PH
, en_PK
, en_PN
, en_PR
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, en_TT
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, en_UM
, en_US
, en_VC
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, en_VU
, en_WS
, en_ZA
, en_ZM
, en_ZW
, es_AR
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, es_CL
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, es_PY
, es_SV
, es_US
, es_UY
, es_VE
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, fa_AF
, fa_IR
, fan_GA
, ff_CM
, ff_GN
, ff_MR
, ff_SN
, ff_BF
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, fr_BL
, fr_CA
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, fr_FR
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, fr_GP
, fr_GQ
, fr_HT
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, fr_JE
, fr_LU
, fr_LB
, fr_MA
, fr_MC
, fr_MF
, fr_MG
, fr_ML
, fr_MQ
, fr_MR
, fr_MU
, fr_NC
, fr_NE
, fr_PF
, fr_PM
, fr_RE
, fr_RW
, fr_SC
, fr_SN
, fr_SY
, fr_TD
, fr_TF
, fr_TG
, fr_TN
, fr_VU
, fr_VA
, fr_WF
, fr_YT
, ga_IE
, gn_PY
, gn_AR
, gu_IN
, gv_IM
, he_IL
, hi_IN
, hr_BA
, hr_HR
, hr_ME
, ht_HT
, hu_HU
, hy_AM
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, id_ID
, is_IS
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, ja_JP
, ka_GE
, kg_CD
, kk_KZ
, kl_GL
, km_KH
, ko_KP
, ko_KR
, ku_IQ
, ky_KG
, la_VA
, lb_LU
, ln_AO
, ln_CD
, ln_CF
, ln_CG
, lo_LA
, lt_LT
, lu_CD
, lv_LV
, mg_MG
, mh_MH
, mi_NZ
, mk_MK
, mn_MN
, mr_IN
, ms_BN
, ms_MY
, ms_SG
, mt_MT
, my_MM
, nb_NO
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, nb_ZW
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, nl_AW
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, nl_NL
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, nl_SX
, nl_MF
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, nn_BV
, no_NO
, no_BV
, no_SJ
, nr_ZA
, ny_MW
, pa_IN
, pa_PK
, pl_PL
, ps_AF
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, pt_GQ
, pt_GW
, pt_LU
, pt_MO
, pt_MZ
, pt_PT
, pt_ST
, pt_TL
, qu_BO
, qu_EC
, qu_PE
, rar_CK
, rm_CH
, rup_MK
, ro_MD
, ro_RO
, ru_BY
, ru_KG
, ru_KZ
, ru_MD
, ru_RU
, ru_UA
, ru_AQ
, ru_TJ
, ru_TM
, ru_UZ
, rw_RW
, se_SE
, sg_CF
, si_LK
, sk_SK
, sl_SI
, sm_AS
, sm_WS
, sn_ZW
, so_DJ
, so_ET
, so_KE
, so_SO
, sq_AL
, sq_ME
, sq_XK
, sr_BA
, sr_ME
, sr_RS
, sr_XK
, ss_SZ
, ss_ZA
, sv_AX
, sv_FI
, sv_SE
, sw_KE
, sw_TZ
, sw_UG
, sw_CD
, ta_IN
, ta_MY
, ta_SG
, ta_LK
, te_IN
, tg_TJ
, th_TH
, ti_ER
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, tig_ER
, tk_TM
, tk_AF
, tn_BW
, tn_ZA
, to_TO
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, tr_TR
, ts_ZA
, uk_UA
, ur_IN
, ur_PK
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, uz_UZ
, ve_ZA
, vi_VN
, xh_ZA
, zh_CN
, zh_HK
, zh_MO
, zh_SG
, zh_TW
, zu_ZA
The skills associated with this content
The ID associated with this skill
The name associated with this skill
The language associated with this skill
The Locale Code of the language
, aa_ER
, af_NA
, af_ZA
, am_ET
, ar_AE
, ar_BH
, ar_DJ
, ar_DZ
, ar_EG
, ar_ER
, ar_IQ
, ar_JO
, ar_KM
, ar_KW
, ar_LB
, ar_LY
, ar_MA
, ar_MR
, ar_OM
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, ar_SA
, ar_SD
, ar_SY
, ar_TD
, ar_TN
, ar_YE
, ay_BO
, ay_PE
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, az_IR
, be_BY
, bg_BG
, bi_VU
, bn_BD
, bn_IN
, bs_BA
, bs-ME
, byn_ER
, ca_AD
, ca_ES
, ca_FR
, ca_IT
, ch_GU
, cs_CZ
, da_DK
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, de_LI
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, de_VA
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, en_CC
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, en_CW
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, en_GI
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, en_GY
, en_HK
, en_IE
, en_IM
, en_IN
, en_IO
, en_JE
, en_JM
, en_KE
, en_KI
, en_KN
, en_KY
, en_LC
, en_LR
, en_LS
, en_MF
, en_MG
, en_MH
, en_MO
, en_MP
, en_MS
, en_MT
, en_MU
, en_MW
, en_MY
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, en_PN
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, en_SZ
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, en_UG
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, es_UY
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, hy_CY
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, mg_MG
, mh_MH
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, mn_MN
, mr_IN
, ms_BN
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, ms_SG
, mt_MT
, my_MM
, nb_NO
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, nb_ZW
, ne_NP
, nl_AW
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The content associated with this course
The external ID associated with this content
The title of the content
"Software Engineer Lv 1"
The description of the content
"This video acts as learning content for software engineers."
The external URL of the content
The mobile friendly URL of the content
The order of the individual content within a content grouping. This is not applicable for pushing individual content.
The localization data for this course
The title of the content
"Software Engineer Lv 1"
The description of the content
"This video acts as learning content for software engineers."
The language associated with the localization details
The Locale Code of the language
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