- Overview
- Use Cases
Common Guides
API Reference
- Applications
- POSTCreate Application
- GETGet Application Scorecard
- GETGet Application
- GETList Applications
- POSTMove Application
- POSTReject Application
- PATCHUpdate an Application
- Documents
- Notes
- Offers
- Scheduled Interviews
- Scorecards
- Assessments
- Background Checks
- Candidates
- Custom Field Definitions
- Departments
- Interview Stages
- Interviews
- Job Postings
- Jobs
- Lists
- Locations
- Offers
- Rejected Reasons
- Users
List Applications
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <encoded-value>' \
--header 'x-account-id: <x-account-id>'
"next_page": "<string>",
"next": "<string>",
"data": [
"id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"remote_id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"unified_custom_fields": {
"my_project_custom_field_1": "REF-1236",
"my_project_custom_field_2": "some other value"
"candidate_id": "e3cb75bf-aa84-466e-a6c1-b8322b257a48",
"remote_candidate_id": "e3cb75bf-aa84-466e-a6c1-b8322b257a48",
"job_id": "4071538b-3cac-4fbf-ac76-f78ed250ffdd",
"remote_job_id": "4071538b-3cac-4fbf-ac76-f78ed250ffdd",
"interview_stage": {
"id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"remote_id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"unified_custom_fields": {
"my_project_custom_field_1": "REF-1236",
"my_project_custom_field_2": "some other value"
"name": "<string>",
"order": 123,
"created_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
"updated_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z"
"interview_stage_id": "18bcbb1b-3cbc-4198-a999-460861d19480",
"remote_interview_stage_id": "18bcbb1b-3cbc-4198-a999-460861d19480",
"rejected_reasons": [
"id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"remote_id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"unified_custom_fields": {
"my_project_custom_field_1": "REF-1236",
"my_project_custom_field_2": "some other value"
"label": "Failed Phone Screen",
"type": "rejected_by_organization",
"rejected_reason_type": {
"value": "rejected_by_organization",
"source_value": "RejectedByOrg"
"rejected_reason_ids": [
"remote_rejected_reason_ids": [
"rejected_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
"location_id": "dd8d41d1-5eb8-4408-9c87-9ba44604eae4",
"remote_location_id": "dd8d41d1-5eb8-4408-9c87-9ba44604eae4",
"location_ids": [
"remote_location_ids": [
"application_status": {
"value": "hired",
"source_value": "Hired"
"questionnaires": {
"id": "right_to_work",
"answers": [
"id": "answer1",
"type": "text",
"values": [
"candidate": {
"name": "Romain Sestier",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "",
"emails": [
"type": "personal",
"value": ""
"phone_numbers": [
"type": "personal",
"phone": "+447700112233"
"social_links": [
"type": "linkedin",
"url": ""
"company": "Company Inc.",
"title": "Software Engineer"
"attachments": [
"file_name": "resume.pdf",
"content": "Base64 encoded content",
"url": "",
"content_type": {
"value": "text",
"source_value": "Text"
"documents": [
"id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"remote_id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"name": "My Document",
"path": "/path/to/file",
"category": "templates, forms, backups, etc.",
"contents": [
"url": "",
"unified_url": "",
"file_format": {
"value": "pdf",
"source_value": "abc"
"category_id": "6530",
"created_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
"updated_at": "2021-01-02T01:01:01.000Z",
"remote_url": "",
"file_format": {
"value": "pdf",
"source_value": "abc"
"unified_custom_fields": {
"my_project_custom_field_1": "REF-1236",
"my_project_custom_field_2": "some other value"
"type": {
"value": "resume",
"source_value": "<string>"
"result_links": [
"label": "test result link",
"url": ""
"source": {
"id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"remote_id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"name": "LinkedIn"
"created_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
"updated_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
"custom_fields": [
"id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"remote_id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"name": "Training Completion Status",
"value": "Completed",
"value_id": "value_456",
"remote_value_id": "e3cb75bf-aa84-466e-a6c1-b8322b257a48"
"raw": [
"method": "<string>",
"url": "<string>",
"body": "<string>",
"response": {}
Basic authentication header of the form Basic <encoded-value>
, where <encoded-value>
is the base64-encoded string username:password
The account identifier
Query Parameters
Indicates that the raw request result is returned
Query parameters that can be used to pass through parameters to the underlying provider request by surrounding them with 'proxy' key
The comma separated list of fields that will be returned in the response (if empty, all fields are returned)
ATS Application Filter
Use a string with a date to only select results updated after that given date
Use a string with a date to only select results created after that given date
Filter to select applications by job_id
Filter to select applications by stage and sub-stage
The page number of the results to fetch
The number of results per page
The unified cursor
Use a string with a date to only select results updated after that given date
The sync token to select the only updated results
The comma separated list of fields that will be expanded in the response
The comma separated list of fields that will be included in the response
Filter for job ID to retrieve a list of applications related to this job
Unique identifier
Provider's unique identifier
Custom Unified Fields configured in your StackOne project
"my_project_custom_field_1": "REF-1236",
"my_project_custom_field_2": "some other value"
Unique identifier of the candidate
Provider's unique identifier of the candidate
Unique identifier of the job
Provider's unique identifier of the job
Unique identifier
Provider's unique identifier
Custom Unified Fields configured in your StackOne project
"my_project_custom_field_1": "REF-1236",
"my_project_custom_field_2": "some other value"
Interview Stage created date
Interview Stage updated date
Unique identifier of the interview stage
Provider's unique identifier of the interview stage
Unique identifier
Provider's unique identifier
Custom Unified Fields configured in your StackOne project
"my_project_custom_field_1": "REF-1236",
"my_project_custom_field_2": "some other value"
The label of the rejected reason.
"Failed Phone Screen"
The string type of the rejected reason.
The type of the rejected reason.
, rejected_by_organization
, other
, unknown
, unmapped_value
The source value of the rejected reason type.
Unique identifiers of the rejection reasons
Provider's unique identifiers of the rejection reasons
Date of rejection
Unique identifier of the location
Provider's unique identifier of the location
Unique identifiers of the locations
Remote's unique identifiers of the locations
The status of the application.
, assessment
, background_check
, converted
, declined_by_candidate
, hired
, interview
, lead
, offer
, reference_check
, rejected
, review
, screen
, new
, onboarding
, created
, accepted
, short_list
, approved
, unmapped_value
The source value of the application status.
Questionnaires associated with the application
Unique identifier
Provider's unique identifier
Unique identifier
Provider's unique identifier
Type of the answer
The type of the answer.
, long_text
, attachment
, multi_select
, single_select
, boolean
, number
, date
, video
The source value of the answer type.
"Short Text"
Values of the answer
"No Travel",
"It sounds pretty cool.",
"Power Point"
"id": "right_to_work",
"answers": [
"id": "answer1",
"type": "text",
"values": ["Yes"]
Candidate name
"Romain Sestier"
First name of the candidate
Last name of the candidate
Email of the candidate
List of candidate phone numbers including the type of the number when available
Candidate company
"Company Inc."
Candidate title
"Software Engineer"
Use documents
expand instead
The file name of the attachment.
The content of the attachment.
"Base64 encoded content"
The URL of the attachment.
The documents attached to this application (eg. resume, cover letter etc.)
Unique identifier
Provider's unique identifier
The name of the file
"My Document"
The path where the file is stored
The content of the file. Deprecated, use url
and file_format
one level up instead
URL where the file content is located
Unified download URL for retrieving file content.
The file format of the file
The file format of the file, expressed as a file extension
, ez
, aw
, atom
, atomcat
, atomdeleted
, atomsvc
, dwd
, held
, rsat
, bdoc
, xcs
, ccxml
, cdfx
, cdmia
, cdmic
, cdmid
, cdmio
, cdmiq
, cu
, mpd
, davmount
, dbk
, dssc
, xdssc
, es
, ecma
, emma
, emotionml
, epub
, exi
, exp
, fdt
, pfr
, geojson
, gml
, gpx
, gxf
, gz
, hjson
, stk
, ink
, inkml
, ipfix
, its
, jar
, war
, ear
, ser
, class
, js
, mjs
, json
, map
, json5
, jsonml
, jsonld
, lgr
, lostxml
, hqx
, cpt
, mads
, webmanifest
, mrc
, mrcx
, ma
, nb
, mb
, mathml
, mbox
, mscml
, metalink
, meta4
, mets
, maei
, musd
, mods
, m21
, mp21
, mp4s
, m4p
, doc
, dot
, mxf
, nq
, nt
, cjs
, bin
, dms
, lrf
, mar
, so
, dist
, distz
, pkg
, bpk
, dump
, elc
, deploy
, exe
, dll
, deb
, dmg
, iso
, img
, msi
, msp
, msm
, buffer
, oda
, opf
, ogx
, omdoc
, onetoc
, onetoc2
, onetmp
, onepkg
, oxps
, relo
, xer
, pdf
, pgp
, asc
, sig
, prf
, p10
, p7m
, p7c
, p7s
, p8
, ac
, cer
, crl
, pkipath
, pki
, pls
, ai
, eps
, ps
, provx
, pskcxml
, raml
, rdf
, owl
, rif
, rnc
, rl
, rld
, rs
, rapd
, sls
, rusd
, gbr
, mft
, roa
, rsd
, rss
, rtf
, sbml
, scq
, scs
, spq
, spp
, sdp
, senmlx
, sensmlx
, setpay
, setreg
, shf
, siv
, sieve
, smi
, smil
, rq
, srx
, gram
, grxml
, sru
, ssdl
, ssml
, swidtag
, tei
, teicorpus
, tfi
, tsd
, toml
, trig
, ttml
, ubj
, rsheet
, td
, vxml
, wasm
, wgt
, hlp
, wsdl
, wspolicy
, xaml
, xav
, xca
, xdf
, xel
, xns
, xenc
, xhtml
, xht
, xlf
, xml
, xsl
, xsd
, rng
, dtd
, xop
, xpl
, *xsl
, xslt
, xspf
, mxml
, xhvml
, xvml
, xvm
, yang
, yin
, zip
, *3gpp
, adp
, amr
, au
, snd
, mid
, midi
, kar
, rmi
, mxmf
, *mp3
, m4a
, mp4a
, mpga
, mp2
, mp2a
, mp3
, m2a
, m3a
, oga
, ogg
, spx
, opus
, s3m
, sil
, wav
, *wav
, weba
, xm
, ttc
, otf
, ttf
, woff
, woff2
, exr
, apng
, avif
, bmp
, cgm
, drle
, emf
, fits
, g3
, gif
, heic
, heics
, heif
, heifs
, hej2
, hsj2
, ief
, jls
, jp2
, jpg2
, jpeg
, jpg
, jpe
, jph
, jhc
, jpm
, jpx
, jpf
, jxr
, jxra
, jxrs
, jxs
, jxsc
, jxsi
, jxss
, ktx
, ktx2
, png
, sgi
, svg
, svgz
, t38
, tif
, tiff
, tfx
, webp
, wmf
, disposition-notification
, u8msg
, u8dsn
, u8mdn
, u8hdr
, eml
, mime
, 3mf
, gltf
, glb
, igs
, iges
, msh
, mesh
, silo
, mtl
, obj
, stpx
, stpz
, stpxz
, stl
, wrl
, vrml
, *x3db
, x3dbz
, x3db
, *x3dv
, x3dvz
, x3d
, x3dz
, x3dv
, appcache
, manifest
, ics
, ifb
, coffee
, litcoffee
, css
, csv
, html
, htm
, shtml
, jade
, jsx
, less
, markdown
, md
, mml
, mdx
, n3
, txt
, text
, conf
, def
, list
, log
, in
, ini
, rtx
, *rtf
, sgml
, sgm
, shex
, slim
, slm
, spdx
, stylus
, styl
, tsv
, t
, tr
, roff
, man
, me
, ms
, ttl
, uri
, uris
, urls
, vcard
, vtt
, *xml
, yaml
, yml
, 3gp
, 3gpp
, 3g2
, h261
, h263
, h264
, m4s
, jpgv
, *jpm
, jpgm
, mj2
, mjp2
, ts
, mp4
, mp4v
, mpg4
, mpeg
, mpg
, mpe
, m1v
, m2v
, ogv
, qt
, mov
, webm
, cww
, 1km
, plb
, psb
, pvb
, tcap
, pwn
, aso
, imp
, acu
, atc
, acutc
, air
, fcdt
, fxp
, fxpl
, xdp
, xfdf
, ahead
, azf
, azs
, azw
, acc
, ami
, apk
, cii
, fti
, atx
, mpkg
, key
, m3u8
, numbers
, pages
, pkpass
, swi
, iota
, aep
, bmml
, mpm
, bmi
, rep
, cdxml
, mmd
, cdy
, csl
, cla
, rp9
, c4g
, c4d
, c4f
, c4p
, c4u
, c11amc
, c11amz
, csp
, cdbcmsg
, cmc
, clkx
, clkk
, clkp
, clkt
, clkw
, wbs
, pml
, ppd
, car
, pcurl
, dart
, rdz
, dbf
, uvf
, uvvf
, uvd
, uvvd
, uvt
, uvvt
, uvx
, uvvx
, uvz
, uvvz
, fe_launch
, dna
, mlp
, mle
, dpg
, dfac
, kpxx
, ait
, svc
, geo
, mag
, nml
, esf
, msf
, qam
, slt
, ssf
, es3
, et3
, ez2
, ez3
, fdf
, mseed
, seed
, dataless
, gph
, ftc
, fm
, frame
, maker
, book
, fnc
, ltf
, fsc
, oas
, oa2
, oa3
, fg5
, bh2
, ddd
, xdw
, xbd
, fzs
, txd
, ggb
, ggt
, gex
, gre
, gxt
, g2w
, g3w
, gmx
, gdoc
, gslides
, gsheet
, kml
, kmz
, gqf
, gqs
, gac
, ghf
, gim
, grv
, gtm
, tpl
, vcg
, hal
, zmm
, hbci
, les
, hpgl
, hpid
, hps
, jlt
, pcl
, pclxl
, sfd-hdstx
, mpy
, afp
, listafp
, list3820
, irm
, sc
, icc
, icm
, igl
, ivp
, ivu
, igm
, xpw
, xpx
, i2g
, qbo
, qfx
, rcprofile
, irp
, xpr
, fcs
, jam
, rms
, jisp
, joda
, ktz
, ktr
, karbon
, chrt
, kfo
, flw
, kon
, kpr
, kpt
, ksp
, kwd
, kwt
, htke
, kia
, kne
, knp
, skp
, skd
, skt
, skm
, sse
, lasxml
, lbd
, lbe
, apr
, pre
, nsf
, org
, scm
, lwp
, portpkg
, mvt
, mcd
, mc1
, cdkey
, mwf
, mfm
, flo
, igx
, mif
, daf
, dis
, mbk
, mqy
, msl
, plc
, txf
, mpn
, mpc
, xul
, cil
, cab
, xls
, xlm
, xla
, xlc
, xlt
, xlw
, xlam
, xlsb
, xlsm
, xltm
, eot
, chm
, ims
, lrm
, thmx
, msg
, cat
, *stl
, ppt
, pps
, pot
, ppam
, pptm
, sldm
, ppsm
, potm
, mpp
, mpt
, docm
, dotm
, wps
, wks
, wcm
, wdb
, wpl
, xps
, mseq
, mus
, msty
, taglet
, nlu
, ntf
, nitf
, nnd
, nns
, nnw
, *ac
, ngdat
, n-gage
, rpst
, rpss
, edm
, edx
, ext
, odc
, otc
, odb
, odf
, odft
, odg
, otg
, odi
, oti
, odp
, otp
, ods
, ots
, odt
, odm
, ott
, oth
, xo
, dd2
, obgx
, oxt
, osm
, pptx
, sldx
, ppsx
, potx
, xlsx
, xltx
, docx
, dotx
, mgp
, dp
, esa
, pdb
, pqa
, oprc
, paw
, str
, ei6
, efif
, wg
, plf
, pbd
, box
, mgz
, qps
, ptid
, qxd
, qxt
, qwd
, qwt
, qxl
, qxb
, rar
, bed
, mxl
, musicxml
, cryptonote
, cod
, rm
, rmvb
, link66
, st
, see
, sema
, semd
, semf
, ifm
, itp
, iif
, ipk
, twd
, twds
, mmf
, teacher
, fo
, sdkm
, sdkd
, dxp
, sfs
, sdc
, sda
, sdd
, smf
, sdw
, vor
, sgl
, smzip
, sm
, wadl
, sxc
, stc
, sxd
, std
, sxi
, sti
, sxm
, sxw
, sxg
, stw
, sus
, susp
, svd
, sis
, sisx
, xsm
, bdm
, xdm
, ddf
, tao
, pcap
, cap
, dmp
, tmo
, tpt
, mxs
, tra
, ufd
, ufdl
, utz
, umj
, unityweb
, uoml
, vcx
, vsd
, vst
, vss
, vsw
, vis
, vsf
, wbxml
, wmlc
, wmlsc
, wtb
, nbp
, wpd
, wqd
, stf
, xar
, xfdl
, hvd
, hvs
, hvp
, osf
, osfpvg
, saf
, spf
, cmp
, zir
, zirz
, zaz
, 7z
, abw
, ace
, *dmg
, arj
, aab
, x32
, u32
, vox
, aam
, aas
, bcpio
, *bdoc
, torrent
, blb
, blorb
, bz
, bz2
, boz
, cbr
, cba
, cbt
, cbz
, cb7
, vcd
, cfs
, chat
, pgn
, crx
, cco
, nsc
, cpio
, csh
, *deb
, udeb
, dgc
, dir
, dcr
, dxr
, cst
, cct
, cxt
, w3d
, fgd
, swa
, wad
, ncx
, dtb
, res
, dvi
, evy
, eva
, bdf
, gsf
, psf
, pcf
, snf
, pfa
, pfb
, pfm
, afm
, arc
, spl
, gca
, ulx
, gnumeric
, gramps
, gtar
, hdf
, php
, install
, *iso
, *key
, *numbers
, *pages
, jardiff
, jnlp
, kdbx
, latex
, luac
, lzh
, lha
, run
, mie
, prc
, mobi
, application
, lnk
, wmd
, wmz
, xbap
, mdb
, obd
, crd
, clp
, *exe
, *dll
, com
, bat
, *msi
, mvb
, m13
, m14
, *wmf
, *wmz
, *emf
, emz
, mny
, pub
, scd
, trm
, wri
, nc
, cdf
, pac
, nzb
, pl
, pm
, *prc
, *pdb
, p12
, pfx
, p7b
, spc
, p7r
, *rar
, rpm
, ris
, sea
, sh
, shar
, swf
, xap
, sql
, sit
, sitx
, srt
, sv4cpio
, sv4crc
, t3
, gam
, tar
, tcl
, tk
, tex
, tfm
, texinfo
, texi
, *obj
, ustar
, hdd
, ova
, ovf
, vbox
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, psd
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, rlc
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, mdi
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, b16
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, 3ds
, ras
, cmx
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The categoryId of the documents
The creation date of the file
The update date of the file
URL where the file content is located
The file format of the file
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, spc
, p7r
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, sh
, shar
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, eol
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, aac
, aif
, aiff
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, caf
, flac
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, mka
, m3u
, wax
, wma
, ram
, ra
, rmp
, *ra
, cdx
, cif
, cmdf
, cml
, csml
, xyz
, btif
, pti
, psd
, azv
, uvi
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, uvvg
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, dxf
, fbs
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, mmr
, rlc
, ico
, dds
, mdi
, wdp
, npx
, b16
, tap
, vtf
, wbmp
, xif
, pcx
, 3ds
, ras
, cmx
, fh
, fhc
, fh4
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, fh7
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, jng
, sid
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, pic
, pct
, pnm
, pbm
, pgm
, ppm
, rgb
, tga
, xbm
, xpm
, xwd
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, dae
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, gdl
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, x_t
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, bsp
, vtu
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, curl
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, scurl
, sub
, fly
, flx
, gv
, 3dml
, spot
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, wml
, wmls
, s
, asm
, c
, cc
, cxx
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, h
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, dic
, htc
, f
, for
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, f90
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, java
, lua
, mkd
, nfo
, opml
, *org
, p
, pas
, pde
, sass
, scss
, etx
, sfv
, ymp
, uu
, vcs
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, uvh
, uvvh
, uvm
, uvvm
, uvp
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, uvs
, uvvs
, uvv
, uvvv
, dvb
, fvt
, mxu
, m4u
, pyv
, uvu
, uvvu
, viv
, f4v
, fli
, flv
, m4v
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, mk3d
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, mng
, asf
, asx
, vob
, wm
, wmv
, wmx
, wvx
, avi
, movie
, smv
, ice
, mht
Custom Unified Fields configured in your StackOne project
"my_project_custom_field_1": "REF-1236",
"my_project_custom_field_2": "some other value"
The content type of the document
The category of the file
, avatar
, cover_letter
, profile_picture
, policy
, passport
, assessment
, interview_attachment
, take_home_test
, offer_letter
, signed_offer_letter
, national_id
, offer_packet
, other
, unmapped_value
Date of creation
Date of last update
The application custom fields
Unique identifier
Provider's unique identifier
The name of the custom field.
"Training Completion Status"
The value associated with the custom field.
The unique identifier for the value of the custom field.
Provider's unique identifier for the value of the custom field.
Was this page helpful?
curl --request GET \
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"type": "rejected_by_organization",
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