Common Guides
API Reference
- Accounts
- Contacts
- Custom Field Definitions
- Lists
Get Account
curl --request GET \
--url{id} \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <encoded-value>' \
--header 'x-account-id: <x-account-id>'
"data": {
"id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"remote_id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"unified_custom_fields": {
"my_project_custom_field_1": "REF-1236",
"my_project_custom_field_2": "some other value"
"owner_id": "<string>",
"remote_owner_id": "e3cb75bf-aa84-466e-a6c1-b8322b257a48",
"name": "<string>",
"description": "<string>",
"industries": [
"Information Technology",
"Airlines & Airports",
"Personal Care & Household Products"
"annual_revenue": "<string>",
"website": "<string>",
"addresses": [
"street_1": "<string>",
"street_2": "<string>",
"city": "<string>",
"state": "<string>",
"zip_code": "<string>",
"country": {
"value": "GB",
"source_value": "GB"
"location_type": {
"value": "home",
"source_value": "Home"
"phone_numbers": [
"created_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
"updated_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z"
"raw": [
"method": "<string>",
"url": "<string>",
"body": "<string>",
"response": {}
Basic authentication header of the form Basic <encoded-value>
, where <encoded-value>
is the base64-encoded string username:password
The account identifier
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Indicates that the raw request result is returned
Query parameters that can be used to pass through parameters to the underlying provider request by surrounding them with 'proxy' key
The comma separated list of fields that will be returned in the response (if empty, all fields are returned)
Unique identifier
Provider's unique identifier
Custom Unified Fields configured in your StackOne project
"my_project_custom_field_1": "REF-1236",
"my_project_custom_field_2": "some other value"
Provider's unique identifier of the owner
Values of the industries
"Information Technology",
"Airlines & Airports",
"Personal Care & Household Products"
The country code
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country.
, AL
, DZ
, AS
, AD
, AO
, AI
, AQ
, AG
, AR
, AM
, AW
, AU
, AT
, AZ
, BS
, BH
, BD
, BB
, BY
, BE
, BZ
, BJ
, BM
, BT
, BO
, BQ
, BA
, BW
, BV
, BR
, IO
, BN
, BG
, BF
, BI
, KH
, CM
, CA
, CV
, KY
, CF
, TD
, CL
, CN
, CX
, CC
, CO
, KM
, CG
, CD
, CK
, CR
, HR
, CU
, CW
, CY
, CZ
, CI
, DK
, DJ
, DM
, DO
, EC
, EG
, SV
, GQ
, ER
, EE
, ET
, FK
, FO
, FJ
, FI
, FR
, GF
, PF
, TF
, GA
, GM
, GE
, DE
, GH
, GI
, GR
, GL
, GD
, GP
, GU
, GT
, GG
, GN
, GW
, GY
, HT
, HM
, VA
, HN
, HK
, HU
, IS
, IN
, ID
, IR
, IQ
, IE
, IM
, IL
, IT
, JM
, JP
, JE
, JO
, KZ
, KE
, KI
, KP
, KR
, KW
, KG
, LA
, LV
, LB
, LS
, LR
, LY
, LI
, LT
, LU
, MO
, MK
, MG
, MW
, MY
, MV
, ML
, MT
, MH
, MQ
, MR
, MU
, YT
, MX
, FM
, MD
, MC
, MN
, ME
, MS
, MA
, MZ
, MM
, NA
, NR
, NP
, NL
, NC
, NZ
, NI
, NE
, NG
, NU
, NF
, MP
, NO
, OM
, PK
, PW
, PS
, PA
, PG
, PY
, PE
, PH
, PN
, PL
, PT
, PR
, QA
, RO
, RU
, RW
, RE
, BL
, SH
, KN
, LC
, MF
, PM
, VC
, WS
, SM
, ST
, SA
, SN
, RS
, SC
, SL
, SG
, SX
, SK
, SI
, SB
, SO
, ZA
, GS
, SS
, ES
, LK
, SD
, SR
, SJ
, SZ
, SE
, CH
, SY
, TW
, TJ
, TZ
, TH
, TL
, TG
, TK
, TO
, TT
, TN
, TR
, TM
, TC
, TV
, UG
, UA
, AE
, GB
, US
, UM
, UY
, UZ
, VU
, VE
, VN
, VG
, VI
, WF
, EH
, YE
, ZM
, ZW
The source value of the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country.
List of account phone numbers
Timestamp when the account was created
Timestamp when the account was last updated
Was this page helpful?
curl --request GET \
--url{id} \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <encoded-value>' \
--header 'x-account-id: <x-account-id>'
"data": {
"id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"remote_id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"unified_custom_fields": {
"my_project_custom_field_1": "REF-1236",
"my_project_custom_field_2": "some other value"
"owner_id": "<string>",
"remote_owner_id": "e3cb75bf-aa84-466e-a6c1-b8322b257a48",
"name": "<string>",
"description": "<string>",
"industries": [
"Information Technology",
"Airlines & Airports",
"Personal Care & Household Products"
"annual_revenue": "<string>",
"website": "<string>",
"addresses": [
"street_1": "<string>",
"street_2": "<string>",
"city": "<string>",
"state": "<string>",
"zip_code": "<string>",
"country": {
"value": "GB",
"source_value": "GB"
"location_type": {
"value": "home",
"source_value": "Home"
"phone_numbers": [
"created_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
"updated_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z"
"raw": [
"method": "<string>",
"url": "<string>",
"body": "<string>",
"response": {}