List Users
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <encoded-value>' \
--header 'x-account-id: <x-account-id>'
"next_page": "<string>",
"next": "<string>",
"data": [
"id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"remote_id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"unified_custom_fields": {
"my_project_custom_field_1": "REF-1236",
"my_project_custom_field_2": "some other value"
"primary_email_address": "",
"first_name": "Han",
"last_name": "Solo",
"name": "Han Solo",
"username": "hansolo1977",
"is_bot_user": true,
"roles": [
"id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"remote_id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"name": "<string>",
"description": "<string>",
"type": {
"value": "admin",
"source_value": "<string>"
"policies": [
"id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"remote_id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"name": "Remote Contractor Policy",
"permissions": [
"id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"remote_id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"name": "read:users",
"type": {
"value": "read_write",
"source_value": "<string>"
"resources": [
"id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"remote_id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"name": "Company History Records",
"location": "s3://bucket-name/folder-name",
"type": {
"value": "file",
"source_value": "<string>"
"description": "<string>",
"created_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
"updated_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z"
"description": "<string>",
"created_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
"updated_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z"
"description": "<string>",
"created_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
"updated_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z"
"created_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
"updated_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z"
"groups": [
"id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"remote_id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
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"description": "<string>",
"type": {
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"id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"remote_id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
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"description": "<string>",
"type": {
"value": "admin",
"source_value": "<string>"
"policies": [
"id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"remote_id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"name": "Remote Contractor Policy",
"permissions": [
"id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"remote_id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
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"name": "Company History Records",
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"type": {
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"created_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
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"updated_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z"
"created_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
"updated_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z"
"parent_id": "<string>",
"remote_parent_id": "e3cb75bf-aa84-466e-a6c1-b8322b257a48",
"created_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
"updated_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z"
"status": {
"value": "enabled",
"source_value": "<string>"
"last_active_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
"last_login_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
"created_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
"updated_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
"multi_factor_enabled": [
"value": "totp",
"source_value": "<string>"
"avatar": {
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"remote_id": "8187e5da-dc77-475e-9949-af0f1fa4e4e3",
"name": "My Document",
"path": "/path/to/file",
"category": "templates, forms, backups, etc.",
"contents": [
"url": "",
"unified_url": "",
"file_format": {
"value": "pdf",
"source_value": "abc"
"category_id": "6530",
"created_at": "2021-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
"updated_at": "2021-01-02T01:01:01.000Z",
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"raw": [
"method": "<string>",
"url": "<string>",
"body": "<string>",
"response": {}
Basic authentication header of the form Basic <encoded-value>
, where <encoded-value>
is the base64-encoded string username:password
The account identifier
Query Parameters
Indicates that the raw request result is returned
Query parameters that can be used to pass through parameters to the underlying provider request by surrounding them with 'proxy' key
The comma separated list of fields that will be returned in the response (if empty, all fields are returned)
Filter parameters that allow greater customisation of the list response
Use a string with a date to only select results updated after that given date
The page number of the results to fetch
The number of results per page
The unified cursor
Use a string with a date to only select results updated after that given date
The comma separated list of fields that will be expanded in the response
Unique identifier
Provider's unique identifier
Custom Unified Fields configured in your StackOne project
"my_project_custom_field_1": "REF-1236",
"my_project_custom_field_2": "some other value"
Primary email address of the user. This is generally a work email address.
User's name which (can be a full name or display name)
"Han Solo"
Indicates if the user is a bot or service user
List of roles the user is assigned to
Unique identifier
Provider's unique identifier
The set of policies associated with the role.
Unique identifier
Provider's unique identifier
The name of the policy.
"Remote Contractor Policy"
The set of permissions associated with the policy.
Unique identifier
Provider's unique identifier
The name of the permission.
The resources that the permission applies to.
List of groups the user is assigned to
Unique identifier
Provider's unique identifier
Unique identifier
Provider's unique identifier
The set of policies associated with the role.
Unique identifier
Provider's unique identifier
The name of the policy.
"Remote Contractor Policy"
The set of permissions associated with the policy.
The parent group id for when a group belongs to another group.
Provider's unique identifier of the parent group id for when a group belongs to another group.
The status of the user, e.g. whether the user is enabled, has been disabled (eg. by an admin), or is pending (ie: awaiting approval by the user or an admin).
, disabled
, pending
, unmapped_value
The date this user was last active
The date this user last logged in
The date the user was created
The date the user was created
The list of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) types enabled for the user.
The unified value for the type of multi-factor authentication. If the provider does not send back a type but does specify that MFA is set-up for this user, the value will be set to 'unknown'.'
, email
, push
, totp
, phone_call
, question
, software_token
, hardware_token
, web
, unknown
, unmapped_value
The user's avatar data. This generally contains a URL within this property's 'contents' array.
Unique identifier
Provider's unique identifier
The name of the file
"My Document"
The path where the file is stored
The content of the file. Deprecated, use url
and file_format
one level up instead
URL where the file content is located
Unified download URL for retrieving file content.
The file format of the file
The file format of the file, expressed as a file extension
, ez
, aw
, atom
, atomcat
, atomdeleted
, atomsvc
, dwd
, held
, rsat
, bdoc
, xcs
, ccxml
, cdfx
, cdmia
, cdmic
, cdmid
, cdmio
, cdmiq
, cu
, mpd
, davmount
, dbk
, dssc
, xdssc
, es
, ecma
, emma
, emotionml
, epub
, exi
, exp
, fdt
, pfr
, geojson
, gml
, gpx
, gxf
, gz
, hjson
, stk
, ink
, inkml
, ipfix
, its
, jar
, war
, ear
, ser
, class
, js
, mjs
, json
, map
, json5
, jsonml
, jsonld
, lgr
, lostxml
, hqx
, cpt
, mads
, webmanifest
, mrc
, mrcx
, ma
, nb
, mb
, mathml
, mbox
, mscml
, metalink
, meta4
, mets
, maei
, musd
, mods
, m21
, mp21
, mp4s
, m4p
, doc
, dot
, mxf
, nq
, nt
, cjs
, bin
, dms
, lrf
, mar
, so
, dist
, distz
, pkg
, bpk
, dump
, elc
, deploy
, exe
, dll
, deb
, dmg
, iso
, img
, msi
, msp
, msm
, buffer
, oda
, opf
, ogx
, omdoc
, onetoc
, onetoc2
, onetmp
, onepkg
, oxps
, relo
, xer
, pdf
, pgp
, asc
, sig
, prf
, p10
, p7m
, p7c
, p7s
, p8
, ac
, cer
, crl
, pkipath
, pki
, pls
, ai
, eps
, ps
, provx
, pskcxml
, raml
, rdf
, owl
, rif
, rnc
, rl
, rld
, rs
, rapd
, sls
, rusd
, gbr
, mft
, roa
, rsd
, rss
, rtf
, sbml
, scq
, scs
, spq
, spp
, sdp
, senmlx
, sensmlx
, setpay
, setreg
, shf
, siv
, sieve
, smi
, smil
, rq
, srx
, gram
, grxml
, sru
, ssdl
, ssml
, swidtag
, tei
, teicorpus
, tfi
, tsd
, toml
, trig
, ttml
, ubj
, rsheet
, td
, vxml
, wasm
, wgt
, hlp
, wsdl
, wspolicy
, xaml
, xav
, xca
, xdf
, xel
, xns
, xenc
, xhtml
, xht
, xlf
, xml
, xsl
, xsd
, rng
, dtd
, xop
, xpl
, *xsl
, xslt
, xspf
, mxml
, xhvml
, xvml
, xvm
, yang
, yin
, zip
, *3gpp
, adp
, amr
, au
, snd
, mid
, midi
, kar
, rmi
, mxmf
, *mp3
, m4a
, mp4a
, mpga
, mp2
, mp2a
, mp3
, m2a
, m3a
, oga
, ogg
, spx
, opus
, s3m
, sil
, wav
, *wav
, weba
, xm
, ttc
, otf
, ttf
, woff
, woff2
, exr
, apng
, avif
, bmp
, cgm
, drle
, emf
, fits
, g3
, gif
, heic
, heics
, heif
, heifs
, hej2
, hsj2
, ief
, jls
, jp2
, jpg2
, jpeg
, jpg
, jpe
, jph
, jhc
, jpm
, jpx
, jpf
, jxr
, jxra
, jxrs
, jxs
, jxsc
, jxsi
, jxss
, ktx
, ktx2
, png
, sgi
, svg
, svgz
, t38
, tif
, tiff
, tfx
, webp
, wmf
, disposition-notification
, u8msg
, u8dsn
, u8mdn
, u8hdr
, eml
, mime
, 3mf
, gltf
, glb
, igs
, iges
, msh
, mesh
, silo
, mtl
, obj
, stpx
, stpz
, stpxz
, stl
, wrl
, vrml
, *x3db
, x3dbz
, x3db
, *x3dv
, x3dvz
, x3d
, x3dz
, x3dv
, appcache
, manifest
, ics
, ifb
, coffee
, litcoffee
, css
, csv
, html
, htm
, shtml
, jade
, jsx
, less
, markdown
, md
, mml
, mdx
, n3
, txt
, text
, conf
, def
, list
, log
, in
, ini
, rtx
, *rtf
, sgml
, sgm
, shex
, slim
, slm
, spdx
, stylus
, styl
, tsv
, t
, tr
, roff
, man
, me
, ms
, ttl
, uri
, uris
, urls
, vcard
, vtt
, *xml
, yaml
, yml
, 3gp
, 3gpp
, 3g2
, h261
, h263
, h264
, m4s
, jpgv
, *jpm
, jpgm
, mj2
, mjp2
, ts
, mp4
, mp4v
, mpg4
, mpeg
, mpg
, mpe
, m1v
, m2v
, ogv
, qt
, mov
, webm
, cww
, 1km
, plb
, psb
, pvb
, tcap
, pwn
, aso
, imp
, acu
, atc
, acutc
, air
, fcdt
, fxp
, fxpl
, xdp
, xfdf
, ahead
, azf
, azs
, azw
, acc
, ami
, apk
, cii
, fti
, atx
, mpkg
, key
, m3u8
, numbers
, pages
, pkpass
, swi
, iota
, aep
, bmml
, mpm
, bmi
, rep
, cdxml
, mmd
, cdy
, csl
, cla
, rp9
, c4g
, c4d
, c4f
, c4p
, c4u
, c11amc
, c11amz
, csp
, cdbcmsg
, cmc
, clkx
, clkk
, clkp
, clkt
, clkw
, wbs
, pml
, ppd
, car
, pcurl
, dart
, rdz
, dbf
, uvf
, uvvf
, uvd
, uvvd
, uvt
, uvvt
, uvx
, uvvx
, uvz
, uvvz
, fe_launch
, dna
, mlp
, mle
, dpg
, dfac
, kpxx
, ait
, svc
, geo
, mag
, nml
, esf
, msf
, qam
, slt
, ssf
, es3
, et3
, ez2
, ez3
, fdf
, mseed
, seed
, dataless
, gph
, ftc
, fm
, frame
, maker
, book
, fnc
, ltf
, fsc
, oas
, oa2
, oa3
, fg5
, bh2
, ddd
, xdw
, xbd
, fzs
, txd
, ggb
, ggt
, gex
, gre
, gxt
, g2w
, g3w
, gmx
, gdoc
, gslides
, gsheet
, kml
, kmz
, gqf
, gqs
, gac
, ghf
, gim
, grv
, gtm
, tpl
, vcg
, hal
, zmm
, hbci
, les
, hpgl
, hpid
, hps
, jlt
, pcl
, pclxl
, sfd-hdstx
, mpy
, afp
, listafp
, list3820
, irm
, sc
, icc
, icm
, igl
, ivp
, ivu
, igm
, xpw
, xpx
, i2g
, qbo
, qfx
, rcprofile
, irp
, xpr
, fcs
, jam
, rms
, jisp
, joda
, ktz
, ktr
, karbon
, chrt
, kfo
, flw
, kon
, kpr
, kpt
, ksp
, kwd
, kwt
, htke
, kia
, kne
, knp
, skp
, skd
, skt
, skm
, sse
, lasxml
, lbd
, lbe
, apr
, pre
, nsf
, org
, scm
, lwp
, portpkg
, mvt
, mcd
, mc1
, cdkey
, mwf
, mfm
, flo
, igx
, mif
, daf
, dis
, mbk
, mqy
, msl
, plc
, txf
, mpn
, mpc
, xul
, cil
, cab
, xls
, xlm
, xla
, xlc
, xlt
, xlw
, xlam
, xlsb
, xlsm
, xltm
, eot
, chm
, ims
, lrm
, thmx
, msg
, cat
, *stl
, ppt
, pps
, pot
, ppam
, pptm
, sldm
, ppsm
, potm
, mpp
, mpt
, docm
, dotm
, wps
, wks
, wcm
, wdb
, wpl
, xps
, mseq
, mus
, msty
, taglet
, nlu
, ntf
, nitf
, nnd
, nns
, nnw
, *ac
, ngdat
, n-gage
, rpst
, rpss
, edm
, edx
, ext
, odc
, otc
, odb
, odf
, odft
, odg
, otg
, odi
, oti
, odp
, otp
, ods
, ots
, odt
, odm
, ott
, oth
, xo
, dd2
, obgx
, oxt
, osm
, pptx
, sldx
, ppsx
, potx
, xlsx
, xltx
, docx
, dotx
, mgp
, dp
, esa
, pdb
, pqa
, oprc
, paw
, str
, ei6
, efif
, wg
, plf
, pbd
, box
, mgz
, qps
, ptid
, qxd
, qxt
, qwd
, qwt
, qxl
, qxb
, rar
, bed
, mxl
, musicxml
, cryptonote
, cod
, rm
, rmvb
, link66
, st
, see
, sema
, semd
, semf
, ifm
, itp
, iif
, ipk
, twd
, twds
, mmf
, teacher
, fo
, sdkm
, sdkd
, dxp
, sfs
, sdc
, sda
, sdd
, smf
, sdw
, vor
, sgl
, smzip
, sm
, wadl
, sxc
, stc
, sxd
, std
, sxi
, sti
, sxm
, sxw
, sxg
, stw
, sus
, susp
, svd
, sis
, sisx
, xsm
, bdm
, xdm
, ddf
, tao
, pcap
, cap
, dmp
, tmo
, tpt
, mxs
, tra
, ufd
, ufdl
, utz
, umj
, unityweb
, uoml
, vcx
, vsd
, vst
, vss
, vsw
, vis
, vsf
, wbxml
, wmlc
, wmlsc
, wtb
, nbp
, wpd
, wqd
, stf
, xar
, xfdl
, hvd
, hvs
, hvp
, osf
, osfpvg
, saf
, spf
, cmp
, zir
, zirz
, zaz
, 7z
, abw
, ace
, *dmg
, arj
, aab
, x32
, u32
, vox
, aam
, aas
, bcpio
, *bdoc
, torrent
, blb
, blorb
, bz
, bz2
, boz
, cbr
, cba
, cbt
, cbz
, cb7
, vcd
, cfs
, chat
, pgn
, crx
, cco
, nsc
, cpio
, csh
, *deb
, udeb
, dgc
, dir
, dcr
, dxr
, cst
, cct
, cxt
, w3d
, fgd
, swa
, wad
, ncx
, dtb
, res
, dvi
, evy
, eva
, bdf
, gsf
, psf
, pcf
, snf
, pfa
, pfb
, pfm
, afm
, arc
, spl
, gca
, ulx
, gnumeric
, gramps
, gtar
, hdf
, php
, install
, *iso
, *key
, *numbers
, *pages
, jardiff
, jnlp
, kdbx
, latex
, luac
, lzh
, lha
, run
, mie
, prc
, mobi
, application
, lnk
, wmd
, wmz
, xbap
, mdb
, obd
, crd
, clp
, *exe
, *dll
, com
, bat
, *msi
, mvb
, m13
, m14
, *wmf
, *wmz
, *emf
, emz
, mny
, pub
, scd
, trm
, wri
, nc
, cdf
, pac
, nzb
, pl
, pm
, *prc
, *pdb
, p12
, pfx
, p7b
, spc
, p7r
, *rar
, rpm
, ris
, sea
, sh
, shar
, swf
, xap
, sql
, sit
, sitx
, srt
, sv4cpio
, sv4crc
, t3
, gam
, tar
, tcl
, tk
, tex
, tfm
, texinfo
, texi
, *obj
, ustar
, hdd
, ova
, ovf
, vbox
, vbox-extpack
, vdi
, vhd
, vmdk
, src
, webapp
, der
, crt
, pem
, fig
, *xlf
, xpi
, xz
, z1
, z2
, z3
, z4
, z5
, z6
, z7
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, pas
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