User Management

User Identification

To ensure reliable user matching between your system and the LMS, we provide multiple identification points:

  • LMS system ID

  • Email address

  • User name

  • Additional system-specific identifiers (returned as external_reference)


  • We support email filtering when natively supported by the LMS.

  • Currently, email filtering is supported on GO1.

Recommended Sync Process

  • Initial Setup:

    • Store the StackOne ID for each matched user in your database.

    • This ID is essential for creating assignments, recording completions, and maintaining user relationships.

  • Ongoing Maintenance:

    • Implement a regular synchronization process:

      • Fetch current user data from /lms/users endpoint.

      • Compare against your local user database.

      • Update local records with any changes.

      • Store new StackOne IDs for newly matched users.

    • This approach ensures consistent user identification and data accuracy.